Martiros Saryan

Martiros Saryan

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vahe Apoyan (Painter)

This type of working is not an and initself for me, but it is tended to serve a meaningful level of my works.
The artistic and stylish advantages of my art have been formed impressed by philosophic ideas of symbolism and aesthetism.

Creating constructive new systems by non-traditional ways, it includes in itself certainty of lines widh ornamental elements.

He was born on the  in 1988.
2004-2006 He went to Armenian house in Nork.
2006-2013 He went to Art college after P. Terlemezyan.
2013- up to now is the academy of Yerevan.
In  2013 he had an individual exhibition in Terlemezyan exhibition holl.
He has taken part in various republicion and group  exhibions.

Private collections
Artsakh.  National gallery in Sushi, San-Francisco, Moscow, Los-Angeles, Yerevan.

                                                       Click on Image to enlarge
                                      The Three Graces, 2013, oil on canvas, 85x105cm
                                                                  Price 900$

                                                                   Click on Image to enlarge
                                                      Chucifixion, 2014, oil on canvas, 110x130cm
                                                                          Price 1200$

                                                           Click on Image to enlarge
                                          Areni church, 2013, oil on canvas, 30x40cm
                                                              Price 200$

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